Monday, September 12, 2005

I need your help

A small group of Christians from Washington are planning to go to Louisiana on Tuesday to provide relief work in the aftermath of Katrina. A specific call has been made for the help of able bodies to carry out the work of clean up that needs to be accomplished. I find myself in a unique position in which I have 2.5 free weeks that I can use to join this team. I am excited about this opportunity to serve with other Christians from all over the country and have been looking for an opportunity to help the victims in Louisiana.

The Tammany Oaks Church of Christ is located in Mandeville, LA, 24 miles from New Orleans. They completed a new building project that they describe as a “warehouse construction concept” 4 weeks ago. Today it is filled with relief goods and workers as God’s people respond to the devastation of hurricane Katrina. This location has become a coordination and distribution center for relief supplies and crews going into the hardest hit areas. We plan to join the work at the Tammany Oaks Church of Christ.

While it is true that I have been blessed with the time to join this effort, I am in need of financial assistance. Our team is driving to LA so that we have vehicles for transportation and cleanup, and our largest expense will be fuel. I can drive my rig, (a 1989 Land Cruiser), or some other truck, more on that later. It is 2630 miles one-way to Mandeville, LA and I estimate about $1600 will be needed for fuel. I will also need about $300 for expenses along the way and while I am in LA. There are a couple of other Metro members who are considering joining me and will also need funds for expenses.

We have also been asked to bring the following items: (these could be loaned to us for use on this trip, or purchased from funds that are donated.)
Extra chains
Wrecking Ball
Sledge Hammer
Come Along

As I mentioned earlier I can take my rig, however a full-sized truck would be even more useful. Do you have one that could be donated to this effort? If my rig is used I would like to borrow a rooftop cargo box to help carry gear.

Can you help? I believe that in situations such as this, God puts some people in a position to go and others in a position to support those who go. If you find yourself in the position to support, please contact the Metro Church of Christ office (503.667.0773) to make a tax-deductible donation. If you have some of the supplies listed above, please contact me at 503.516.0066.

We want to leave Tuesday afternoon, so your immediate response is requested.

Please also begin praying for our safety and effectiveness during this trip. It is my prayer that God can be glorified through all of our efforts.


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