Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Katrina Thoughts

I’ve been a little stumped about this post. I have more to say about my time in Louisiana, it just hasn’t materialized. So here are a few final thoughts:

I am humbled by the financial support I received
With one simple email request, God rallied His followers and completely overwhelmed my financial needs for this trip. I wrote in the e-mail, that I sent out the day before I left, that I think God empowers some people with the time to go and others with the resources to help send them. I do not think either role is any less important. I only hope that the people that helped to support me feel the joy of partnering in such a work. If you donated to this effort, know that you put me in a position to help people who had their world blown away by Katrina. Thank you ten times over.

I am an adventurer
I am the type of person that seeks adventure—if you know me, you are rolling your eyes and thinking, ‘duh’. Much of the draw for me to go to LA was the possibility of adventure. For crying out loud, the list of supplies to bring included a chainsaw. How cool is that? In my world that is the closest thing to a light-saber I will ever touch, how could I not be in for an adventure? Now, while I still consider my trip an adventure, it was not filled with the thrills that one might expect while wielding a gas-powered samurai sword. Instead, the Lord taught me a simple lesson about His need for workers, their expectations and what He really needs from them. The first day I was in Slidell, my assignment was to dig small holes in the ground every few feet to follow a sewer-pipe from one end of the Hilltop Rescue and Relief property to the other. Huh? What about the chainsaw? Where is the adventure in digging holes? It turned out that the 40 people who were working at HillTop shared one toilet and one shower and I was assigned to a team that was building a shower-house complete with 4 toilets and 4 much needed showers. I’ll admit that when it comes to ‘jobs’ in the Kingdom I often get the flashy up-in-front assignments, so this gave me pause. Does the glamour of the job define its usefulness? I’ve often preached that it does not and working that shovel I got to put my money where my mouth is. I spent 5 of my 7 workdays on that shower-house and I pray that God was glorified with each one.

There is more to do
I’m sure by this point hundreds of people have been a part of the Hilltop Rescue group in Slidell. I was only there for 7 days while others have been there for a month. They are still cleaning out houses, doing laundry and removing fallen trees. And they will be for many months to come. Please continue to support them in prayer and with contributions—the work they do is making a difference.

Where are the pictures?
I took very few pictures while I was in Louisiana. It is hard to explain why, but I just didn’t get out the camera. People’s homes and livelihoods were destroyed and I didn’t feel like taking pictures. I’m sure you’ve seen a ton from the news. Remember, every time you are shocked by a picture of the destroyed house, there is a real person or family that lived there. My good friend Johno got some images that remind me of just that.


Blogger Johnny said...

Isn't it interesting that you were involved in two "adventures" this year. Have many of us get to travel to Uganda or see the devastating power of a storm? But both of them had a more important purpose than adventure. I am glad God was able to use you and you readily accepted your job whether it be sharing Jesus by teaching(more flashy :>)or digging small holes (less flashy).

Tue Oct 11, 11:02:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Kristi said...

Jason, thanks for sharing more about your journey - the physical, emotional and spiritual one - you have taken. I have been wondering where that process has taken you. We are supposed to be affected when we get so close to other's hurts; it will change a person, one way or the other. Seeking the Lord's counsel and guidance, as you are, will allow this to make you a better person and a more gifted leader and minster. You're a good guy, Jason!

Tue Oct 11, 12:27:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was an honor to support you. I couldn't go, but we were with you in spirit on your trip. Thanks for the update; I'm sure your other supporters would love to hear more about your experiences and how they can continue to help.

I think you made the right decision to listen to your instinct not to shoot more while you were there. There is a time for recording (such as for other's benefit, or awareness-building), and a time to fully engage in the experience before you and immerse yourself.

Tue Oct 11, 01:04:00 PM PDT  

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